Writing, radio & design
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Notebooks & Colour


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Spring 🌱 reads...finding comfort and some joy travelling and meandering through the pages of these books and old editions... @dimdamdommagazine love this French mag eclectic mix of travel, food, photos so good 🌱 @driftmag for coffee lovers ☕️ this is the Mexico City edition. So vibrant 🌱 picked this up again @realernesthemmingway reads so differently maybe after living in Paris 🌱 @thedolectures @alansmlxl DO Build so prescient in our current climate 🌱 #catchingthebigfishdavidlynch a cool insight into this creative mind 🌱 Waterlife by @rambharosjha exquisite folk paintings inspired by the banks of the Ganga in Bihar, India 🌱 @monocle_travel The Escapist...need I say more... Happy Spring 🪴